Responsibly sourced leather

We prioritize working with tanneries that have been rated gold or silver by the Leather Working Group, which means that they have achieved the highest environmental standards in the industry. As of 2022, 95% of Coach leather goods and 99% of our footwear products are made with leather from these tanneries. We’ve committed to using at least 90% gold and silver rated tannery leather by 2025.

Leather sourced from regenerative agriculture processes

We’ve partnered with the Savory Institute and Other Half Processing to support regenerative agricultural practices—those that help maintain and rejuvenate land, increase biological diversity and soil health, and could lead to increased carbon absorption (and a positive impact on the environment). We are committed to improving the sustainability of our supply chain by finding ways to use raw materials from regenerative sources that will help reduce the impact of the materials we use. As part of this commitment, we will continue to introduce new styles in leather from regenerative practices.

Responsible signature jacquard

Our Signature Jacquard is one of our most iconic house codes. Today, all Coach collections with jacquard feature our Signature Jacquard made from organic cotton and polyester yarn recycled from post-consumer plastic water bottles.

Recycled materials

As part of our efforts to help create a more circular fashion system, we’re working to source, create and use recycled materials. Our Upwoven leather, for example, is created by the careful interweaving of leather production scraps sourced from our factories. As of Spring 2023, we also replaced the polyester linings of our leathergoods.

Industry partnerships